about us

The Distinctive Cultureal Leadership Way

We help you lead, understand, grow, embrace, and respect.

Leadership is the single most important factor to the success of any business. The leader is the creator-in-chief of the organizational culture. Partners and employees know what is valued, what gets rewarded and what constitute risk. The ability of a leader to lead their business through competitive environments and challenging times is paramount. Effective leadership is critical. Leadership does not happen; it causes an effect in organizations. The culture, brand or image of the organization is leadership relevant. Understanding organizational culture is key to optimizing quality. The leader has to navigate the cultural nuances, power struggles and politics of business and understand and align the diverse values in the organization.

Cultureal Leadership Coaches will work with the leader to utilize the best strategies to get you proactive, productive and profitable in your business. We ensure you are in control of your business, rather than your business controlling you!

We work with you to implement effective big business strategies to generate big growth results for your small or medium business. We work with you to lead the implementation of these strategies and imbed them for your business success.

The key to business growth is ensuring you have strong foundations in place to support the growth.

Similar to constructing a building, if your foundations are not strong, your building is compromised. You need to build the capability and capacity of your workforce We will keep you accountable to your plans. This is where the rubber hits the road. This is where the money is made. This is where you achieve business growth.

Knowledge is power. Yes! But it becomes even more powerful when you put your knowledge into practice.

The best leaders are always learning. It can be lonely being the key decision maker, being in business by yourself and having the weight of responsibility on your shoulders. Having someone to talk to that is not ‘in’ the business can reduce stress, provide a sounding board and be a support to you in business.

Our purpose is to help you grow organizational capacity with a diverse workforce through effective talent management and accountability.

It is our intent to energize every member in your organization to find fulfillment. Fulfillment drives functionality. Fulfillment fuels purpose. If I am the best I can be; I can do anything.

We work with you to develop 360 ° leadership feedback. We work with you to measure team entropy and team synergy. We do values alignment. The product of this values alignment is effective brand ambassadors.