
Cultureal is a leadership and organizational capability and capacity building, education, training and technical assistance model facilitating comprehensive talent management. Repositioning, reframing and relating with people to celebrate the value of diversity in organizations is our forte.

Research indicates that there is a direct correlation between organizational climate and culture and the level of productivity of staff. Staff members impact the quality of services delivered by organizations. Staff members bring diverse motivations, needs, expectations, experiences, and learning styles to the organization.

Often the interpersonal (and sometimes the intrapersonal) challenges and issues of staff get in the way of the organizational mission. Numerous studies underpin the phenomenon that the input and output of staff is impacted by their sense of belonging or lack thereof within an organizational system.

It is said in Africa, that when two elephants struggle, the grass suffers. Likewise, when two strong personalities clash, others are often hurt in the process. Staff may become disillusioned and bitter. Bitterness is the atmosphere produced in us when we meditate over life’s circumstances and decide that we have not been given a fair deal.

Such bitterness simply makes staff bite the bullet and not better at their tasks, roles and responsibilities. Alternatively we fail to realize that blaming others robs you of your energy. The input and output of staff that have to work for you is significantly different than the input and output of staff who want to work for you.

We can help you build your team.